
Date range: 1989-2020.
Chile suffered a military dictatorship at the hands of General Augusto Pinochet from 1973 until 1990. In 1988 a referendum was held on whether to continue with Pinochet’s dictatorship, which was won by the NO. The first democratic elections were held in 1989 and Patrio Aylwin, a center-left Christian Democrat, became president. Chile has traditionally been considered an exception to the succession of populist leaders in other Latin American countries. As Drake (1999: 72) argues, “populism did not disrupt the transition to democracy or occupy center stage”. “Centrist and leftist politicians did not want populism to upset the new democracy any more than they wanted to disturb macroeconomic equilibrium” (Drake, 1999: 72). Thus, none of the big coalition of Chilean parties is considered populist by most scholars. However, although no populist leader has held the presidency since 1990, there are a number of less successful candidates that should be included in that category.